September is National Preparedness Month. This month, we encourage everyone to think about, and raise awareness of, the importance of being prepared for disasters.
48% of Americans do not have emergency supplies.
This recent statistic is from the Center for Disease Control. How many types of emergencies could you (or your loved ones) be affected by? Floods? Power outages? Snow? Tornadoes?
More importantly, consider how some of these severe conditions could affect your daily life … your home, children, older adults or even a business.
What have you done to prepare your family or business for situations like these?
National Preparedness Month
According to Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, “Preparation is key and remaining vigilant throughout the year is paramount. National Preparedness Month is a good opportunity for Ohioans to make a plan to expect the unexpected.”
That’s why DeVol Design Build Remodel is reminding our fellow Ohio citizens to take charge of their disaster plans. We want you, your families and homes to be safe during any unforeseen circumstances.
Think about things that could go wrong (or have in the past). What emergencies or disasters could you better prepare for? What can you do to keep your family or business safe?
Think about these things and create an emergency preparedness plan.
- How will you know if an emergency is happening?
- Do you have a plan to shelter your family?
- Do you know how to evacuate if you need to?
- Does everyone in your household or business have a way to communicate?
- Do you have an emergency kit at home and at your business?
These are all part of creating a plan that not only can save lives but can reduce the hardship (and stress) of emergency situations.
Ohio emergency preparedness tips
Here are a few ideas to help you get yourself organized in case of an emergency.
- Sign up for Emergency Alerts
- Create a shelter plan
- Be ready to evacuate when you need to
- Put together a family communication plan [PDF]
- Build an emergency kit
Your home is part of the plan, too
Making your home ready for an emergency is very important, too. It shelters you from so much that happens in life around you.
Take the time to assess your home and decide if there are changes you need to make so your family is better protected and cared for. Be sure to include your elderly family members who may not live with you. It’s not always about comfort but about making sure your home has the things you need for life, whether an emergency or not.
If you need to make some changes in your home that require remodeling, give us a call. We’ll be happy to discuss it with you.